Sacral Chakra


Sacral Chakra

You are highly sensitive to chemicals, process foods, additives and energies right now. Respect your sensitivities by avoiding harsh situations, items and relationships.

The Angels want you to know the more you work on yourself to be in the light and love the more sensitive you become. As a highly sensitive being this may come in varying forms, feelings of being overwhelmed by physical sensations or even numbness to situations. You may even try to self-medicate with chemicals, foods and other addictive substances in order to shield yourself from the harsh energies. Doing this will only make you feel better for a short while and then you will feel worse when the hit wears off.   This card is a message asking you to deal with those situations in a more natural way that will not harm your body. The Angels are asking you to detoxify yourself from unnatural chemicals and avoid other harsh situations that maybe affecting you. 

You can call upon Archangel Michael to cut away any cords of attachment to any toxic or addictive substances, or even relationships by saying “Archangel Michael please cut away the cords of attachment to (fill in the blank) and fill my aura with you loving light to take away any cravings I get for them.. thank you”

The Angels want you to understand the power you have in the choices you make… you have free will to say no at any time to anything that you feel will not be good for you at this time.  It is all about becoming self-aware of your own needs and sensitivities and working towards respecting your body in order to feel good. When faced with any situation that you could affect you. You can ask yourself “is this going to be for my highest good” and see what come through… if it’s a No, then take head of the message.  

You can also set an intention that whatever is happening in any life drama, you can rise above it and chose not to be affected.  We can often forget that we have a choice in how we react to any circumstances. Chose to come from peace and love which will help heal the situation.

“Do not let the behaviour of other people destroy your peace” Dalai Lama

If you have some personal relationships that spring to mind that do not make you feel good but you feel you cannot exactly walk away from them right now, change your mind on how you think about them and those involved. Send only love, light and positivity their way to help shift the vibrations to a higher level.  Often in life we can take things personally, and if we let this aspect go and not see it as personal, it helps lift’s away a burden. To help you with this, is to have a feeling of compassion & understanding for the other person, see them on their journey of life too and that they may not have learnt the all the lessons you have yet and are working at a level they only know at this time.  

You can also ask Archangel Michael to place a protective shield around you when going into a situation that may be perceived as harsh by saying  “Archangel Michael please place a protective shield of Love and Light so that no lower energies can enter into my energy field,  thank you.

Angel Blessings, Love and Light 

Reading from the Angel Therapy Oracle by Doreen Virtue

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All readings are provided for general guidance only.  Please refer to a medical practitioner for health issues and seek legal counsel if required.  Only persons over 18 years will be accepted.Any reading or message given is to be the sole responsibility of the recipient.