

The full moon energies are getting strong and this is a message from our angels to take some time out and retreat to gather our thoughts, get some clarity and self nurture. The full moon energy is a chance for us to cleanse our mind body and soul let go of what no longer serves so we can move forward in our life with a renewed sense of vitality, purpose and be open to receiving more blessings into our life.

Spend some time alone in quiet thought. Clear your mind, and focus on your truth and priorities.

Are you pushing yourself too hard, beloved child of God? The angels remind us that rest is a natural cycle in every living thing. Think of the mighty oak tree that grows in spurts and then rests. It draws its nourishment from deep within the Earth, and takes its time before growing upward again. Like the oak tree, it’s important for you to nourish yourself with spiritual and emotional “food”.

While you are resting, take time to reflect on your heart’s true feelings and desires. Your angels speak to you through your heart, and when you listen to and honor your feelings, you walk hand-in-hand with God and the angels. You will know that it is true Divine guidance, and not just your imagination or wishful thinking if it speaks of your desire to make a difference in the world.

Angel Blessings, Love and Light


Reading from Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue

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All readings are provided for general guidance only.  Please refer to a medical practitioner for health issues and seek legal counsel if required.  Only persons over 18 years will be accepted.Any reading or message given is to be the sole responsibility of the recipient.