Author Archives: Lamanda

Daily Love Reading – Balance

Daily Love Reading – Balance

Balance Has your schedule been lopsided lately ? Be sure to balance your time between work, play, spirituality, exercise and relationships. The Angels know that you’re busy, with many Earthly demands on your time. They want you to help with responsibilities through the process of balance. Lowered energy creates the illusion that there isn’t time… Continue Reading

Daily Love Reading – Listen to Your Intuitive Feelings

Daily Love Reading – Listen to Your Intuitive Feelings

Listen to Your Intuitive Feelings Your body is receiving accurate message from the DivineYour angels want you to know that you’ve always receiving Divine messages, even when you’re not noticing them. Most of these messages come through your physical and emotional senses, as your body is extremely sensitive to subtle energies. Sometimes you may not… Continue Reading

Daily Love Reading – Acceptance

Daily Love Reading – Acceptance

AcceptanceSee yourself and others through the eyes of the angels, with unconditional love and acceptance. In this way, you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential. This card has come through to help your relationship with yourself and others. The next time you’re tempted to judge yourself or someone else harshly, pray for their… Continue Reading

Daily Love Reading – All is Well

Daily Love Reading – All is Well

All is Well – Archangel Jeremiel  Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to, with hidden blessings you will soon understand. Sometimes, what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise. When we ask for help, Heaven may dismantle the old to make room for the new.  During this time… Continue Reading

Daily Love Reading – New Partner

Daily Love Reading – New Partner

New Partner A chance meeting is no mistake. It is Divinely orchestrated as a catalyst to set the wheels in motion for the fruition of your prayers. Pay careful attention to new people we send into your life. You will recognize them by your sense of familiarity, comfort, and safety.Someone new has (or is about… Continue Reading

Daily Love Reading – Day Dream

Daily Love Reading – Day Dream

DaydreamYou will more easily hear and receive our messages if you daydream regularly. Relax and open your mind to receiving, without directing your thoughts. Just notice any feelings, visions, or ideas as if you were watching a movie. This is the seat of creativity. The angels sent you this card because they wish you to… Continue Reading

All readings are provided for general guidance only.  Please refer to a medical practitioner for health issues and seek legal counsel if required.  Only persons over 18 years will be accepted.Any reading or message given is to be the sole responsibility of the recipient.